Thursday, 3 October 2013

devious Town councillors

there has been some considerable conflict in the Town hall over the eviction of the public from the Town councill meeting on 23rd September in order that wto items could be debated in in camera (part B) gthe fisrt was on the agenda as item14 and was to recieve the report from the arts Offgcer, but the second item was to debate and comment upon the laterst option that te County council are offering as the bus shelter on the strand. i have made a complaint about the proceedure over these matters to EDDC monitoring officer as i believe that the actions of the Council and the clerk have brought the Council into disrepute. several e-mails ahave been excvhanged with the clerrk over this but he has simply brushed all comments and complaints aside quoting irrelevant regulations ans some sections of the various laws regarding the actions and responsibilities of the council. I have pasted the content of my complaint below so that all can read what exactly I have said. asd things unravel i will keep this page updated so please follow the thread.

Complaint to EDDC Monotoring officer made 3/10/2013

That by the actions of the Town Clerk and the chairman (Mayor) Exmouth Town Council at its meeting on September 23rd brought the Council into disrepute Clerk inserted an item into the published agenda the be taken in part b which was a request for a matter to be consulted upon prior to an application to place a bus shelter on the Strand Exmouth. this has been a hotly debated matter for months getting on for years and the residents by a big majority in a survey conducted by the Town Council resolved that they only wished for a bus shelter to be built there, the ruling group at the Council however have made it quite clear that they wish for more, a covered  area that couild be used as a performance stage 
I believe tht by the actions of the two whom I haver inmdicated Exmouth town Council has brought itself into disrepute and that although the other councillors could have rescued the situation they in ngeneral by their inaction have subscribed to the chrge of disrepute being made against the council as a whole.seating area with removable seats to allow for a temporary performing stage to be used. the debate being held in part B effectively removed the opportunity for the public to see and hear the democratic debate and they have been denied the transparency that they deserve in all matters appertaining to their home town
At the same meeting also taken in part b a report was received and a debate followed on the arrangements for the Town Council managed, public funded Exmouth festival 2014. Again no member of the public has been allowed to see and hear rhe debate nor has in either case a minute of the item been made availble to the public although the local press have been able to make  a front page statement and another report on page 7 (Exmouth Journal 3/10/13)
i have had an e-mail exchange with the Town Clerk on this matter but he has effectivly brushed me off and I am not in antcipation of any more action by him

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