Monday, 23 September 2013

TC meetings

The Special TC meeting started late because of an overrun of the scheduled planning meeting and when it did start at 7.30 the Mayor welcomed very one and called for the registered speakers in turn. each made very valid comments on the proposed development varying from simple information given by one of the current lease holders who indicated that his business if closed would mean job losses in the region of four full time and eight part time trough out the year. Another questioned the (EDDC) councils methods by asking if assessment had been made about the viability, environmental impact etc had been made, another said that the Harbour view cafe should be refurbished and not demolished for rebuilding.The EDDC officer responsible for regeneration projects stated that all studies would be carried out but admitted that they had not yet been done. All councilors than commented All of the Lib Dems spoke strongly against the plans buity as was expected the tories were in favour although two said that they wished that EDDC would talk to the people more before coming up with schemes like this.The Mayor spoke extremely strongly for the proposals but he was forced into taking a recorded vote which he lost by 11 votes to 8 with one abstention.
This meeting ended at 8.30 and the delayed full council meeting then convened and I asked why the council was not doing what the government has told them to do in June 2010 This is to publicise its data clearly with special regard to the information on contracts and tenders which the mayor passed onto the clerk who said that as soon as the new website was up and running then they would be able to do what they should, a completer white again by a council that is out of touch and is surely guilty of maladministration the councilors agreed to extend the time until 9.30 to try and complete its agenda.some housework to adjust working parties and committees to enable the replacement of the late Jean Mitchell on several of the committee that she was a member then took place.The plans for a new school on Goodmores farm was the debated at length and as a result it was resolved that ETC would object to the plans on the grounds that the proposal was too small, in the wrong place and that the estimated growth in primary school children was excessive as already measures have taken place to provide space in the existing schools although the Community College would need to be extended to allow for all of the extra pupils staying on post 16
At 9.40 the press and public were asked to leave so that private debate about the festival 2014 and the strand bus shelter could take place.
I felt aggrieved that they had the nerve to chuck us out so that a debate on the festival and the publicly criticised bus shelter proposal could be had in private.

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