Our Town Council has at its last meeting been investigating just how the local taxpayers can be ripped off even more than they now are. Rather than taking a hard look at what they do and see if savings can be made the debate was centred almost entirely upon how much the precept could be raised next year, not with improvements to services in mind but because the Exmouth precept is the lowest in East Devon. something that when I served the people on the Town Council we were very proud of because it showed just how much we cared about the people and just how carefull we were with the public purse. Not that there was any shortage of costly functions which we undertook. Some I must include and liost here.
Grant funding local organisations
grant funding the Visitor centre
grant funding the TIC
Grant funding the CIB
Grant funding the Community bus service.
Grant funding evening bus services in the town
Grant funding for the new shelters on the railway station
Grant funding new bus shelters on the Parade In Exeter Road and Salterton Road.
Grant funding repairs and refurbishments to all the other council owned bus shelters in Exmouth including relocating those no longer used
Grant funding the water sports centre
starting the Exmouth festival as a MUSIC AND ARTS festival
Employing a festival organiser.
Starting Town management partnership and employing a Town Manager who was also the part time deputy Town clerk
Budgeting for an extended Town management partnership with a full time manger and an assistant manager
Budgeting to take over some of the functions that EDDC said they could no longer afford ( toilets and flowers with some extra street cleaning.
Take over the administration of the Gorfin Hall and pay for it to be updated with new windows kitchen units etc.
Take over the reception area in the town hall when EDDC resolved to close it after relocating local services to Street Scene office at Camperdown depot
I have been very poorly of late but am back now feeling far better and will be able to get on with spilling the news as soon as it breaks.
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