Monday, 26 August 2013

A super transport interchange?

Which has been muted by the council is not needed to satisfy the needs of the travelling public. what we have already is good enough although some small improvement should be made.

  1. The Bus company who have the lease must be made to do some maintenance to preserve the structure of the buildings, shot blasting the steel work and painting it on a regular basis would be a fine start.
  2. Repair or replace the broken windows and partitions
  3. Renegotiating the terms of the lease to allow alternative uses within the area for say the provision of a mobility centre and possibly a cycle hire store with a rest room and cafe all built with simple construction methods.
  4. bring every bus service into the exchange thus making all travelling easier for the public to access without cold wet walks between the various stops.
  5. Provide a free phone for travellers to call for taxi's rather that have waiting cabs wasting their time in the hope of getting a fare.
  6. Setting up a permanent coach set down and pick up bay within the site so allowing the car parking spaces in Imperial road to be reinstated but to make them pay and display (metered parking would be better)!
  7. Convert all surface car parks to a pay on exit system that would save on enforcement costs and also provide the cash needed to make the changes needed to include the options called for in (3)
  8. Remove the bus parking to another site to free up space and make employees use the npublic spaces increased available space and provides a small increase in revenue. Alternatively make a charge on the bus company for each vehicle parked within the site

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