Friday 30 August 2013

Yet another set of proposals for a 33 hiome Courtlands cross development

have been circulated, this time time the developer has delivered fliers to the local residents who will be overlooked by the proposed development of 33 houses on a field at the rear of houses built in Courtlands lane just inside the Lympstone boundary., although the developer calls it Exmouth.
Already some work has been carried out on the site by digging a pond at the lower part of one of the fields but which has destroyed the natural drainage from the fields and is making the lane (part of the East Devon Way) at the lower edge of the site extremely wet even in this very dry summer, Lord knows what it will be like when the rains comeback!
asimilar but larger plans have previously been rejected by EDDC despite their Officers approval after some very long and protracted battles by both the parish copuncil and local residents who were against development on this open land that acts as a buffer between Lympstone and it larger neighbour,
A greater view of this can be seen at the following link where a form is attached to comment upon the proposals.

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