Sunday, 17 November 2013

Selling or not selling that is the question

Once again confusion reigns because of EDDC refusal to come clean on their ambitions. The Splash or as it is now called the Queens Drive leisure area will be handed over to a partner who will be responsible for developing the attractions there. EDDC's Lisa Timberlake said in a briefing to the COLP meeting on Thursday,that the council will be seeking their partner soon and that the land will be transferred to them as either  leasehold or freehold with outline planning permission, but that the partner is expected to work alongside the existing tenants to see if they can come forward with the cash and schemes to match the councils ambitions. This will certainly increase the costs that the businesses have to cover, and although the partner will be paying EDDC rent, ( but only if it is leasehold!) freehold it is lost forever. The tenant will of course have to pay extra to cover the partners profits so pushing up costs considerably.
All the time before this EDDC were saying that they would redevelop the area not letting on that as usual the land is to be sold, Who wants to guess which of the favorite developers will get the land. could it be a spin off benefit for the Rolle playing fields for the Sea front with permission to go ahead?  OR else swapping to the Released  Imperial ground for the EDDC backed supermarket and housing, when the Rugby club moves out?
And even more worrying will that open the flood gates for even more development along the seafront? the Maer will not be safe because EDDC will be opening up the can of worms which will eventually allow a spread of built up units and costly holiday attractions from Carlton Hill to Orcombe point An why would EDDC be concerned about that/ Simply they won't because the ruling group is based at Honiton, not Sidmouth where many think and are relatively fire proof because the tribal election system protects them from being thrown out at the next election, or does it? watch out for the next installment to follow fairly soon.

Friday, 8 November 2013

What is quality when it has lapsed?

Anyone who has noticed that the Town council is still using the quality council logo on its paper might be confused because the QC scheme has been suspended The council has however been allowed to continue to use the logo until the new scheme is rolled out and their application (if they make one) is approved and they are again to be a Quality council. there are a lot of ex Councillors who worked their socks off to attain the standard needed to get QC status and it sorely grieves us to see that this mob have let it go so easily

Sunday, 3 November 2013

East Devon caught out -AGAIN

East Devon has again shot itself in the foot. Each council has to have a variety of strategies in place in order to gain pull down funding for the provision of all sorts of things. included in these are the provision of sports and recreational facilities.
East Devon has for many years ignored the need to put better facilities in place to allow us the residents a fair chance to enjoy physical and leisure activities to keep up our health and fitness.they would much rather spend their time and our money setting up supermarkets and conducting false surveys about housing need that getting better leisure facilities of the blocks.
A golden opportunity has been lost to build on the Olympics no athletic facilities have either been set up or even improvements made to any existing sites. the same is happening with the Football World cup and will if not corrected swiftly similarly not happen with the rugby world cup that is now only 12 months away. East Devon has a big shortfall in pitches for all sports and still thay are pushing f0r the supermarket on the existing rugby ground in Exmouth This is a classic example of the folly that is EDDC There is no reason why there should not be more pitch provision all over the district after all the funds to provide them would be drawn down from Sport England although running costs would come home to EDDC or the hirers!
One clear and necessary need is for EDDC to consult with local sports governing bodies to set out a plan to deliver what is needed for the next 15/20 years.
I can say that EDDC are to investigate but so far have not broken the sound barrier in respect of the speed at which they will go about this

Read more about it with the usual council spin at this link